Roundup: 🔥 Start a Creator Business

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Hey Prompt Entrepreneur,

It’s been a week of optimisation for me.

Nothing majorly exciting or new (for once!) but instead I’m taking a week to make sure existing processes are chugging along.

This included some personal stuff:

  • massive Spring clean of the house

  • some small optimisations like getting a phone lockbox to keep me off Tiktok

  • getting back to the gym (maybe a little hard…can hardly walk oops)

And business optimisations:

  • rewriting our welcome series which takes waaaay longer than expected

  • closing out a bunch of older subscriptions we pay for and ending up saving $200/month on stuff we legit just we’re using…

It’s useful to have these sort of refreshing once in a while.

Not chasing the next thing. But instead taking a little time to reflect on what already works and get it all locked in.

Next week though? Well!

A lot of people (especially those on Tiktok) are asking me exactly how I built Prompt Entrepreneur.

We’re talking how I:

  • built an social audience of 100k

  • 50,000+ subscribers in the same time period

  • went from $0 to $15,000/month

All in 9 months.

There, I’ll be honest, a lot of moving parts.

And a lot of work involved! (Can’t escape that sorry!)

But…it’s doable. And the rewards are great.

I’m sketching out a course/workshop/book (tbd!) to teach exactly how I did it all.

I’m also looking for some guinea pigs to potentially test the process on (I’m looking at you Forge members).

Help me help you please! I’ve got a form here. I want to work out the best format, length etc. of the course to best help you do what I’ve done.

Those who fill out the form will also be put on a waitlist to get i) discounts when it’s ready and/or ii) asked to join the beta testing.

So …. worth you spending 3 minutes on it probably.

Time for the Playbook summary.

But first a word from a good friend and (imo) amazing newsletter. Kieran is one of the goodies:

Sign up for Kieran Drew’s email newsletter and get ‘Magnetic Writing: 10 Tips To Make Your Content Irresistible' for free

Kieran Drew is an Ex-dentist turned internet business builder. His internet business generates ~$500k/year. He shares his ideas online with 205k followers and 30k email newsletter readers.

Subscribe to his newsletter and get ‘Magnet Writing: 10 tips to make your content irresistible’ free.

For Free Readers

Buy this week’s AI Business Playbook or Upgrade

This contains the whole of this week’s Playbook that you just missed.

  • Take notes

  • Copy prompts fast

  • ‘Duplicate’ and keep

  • Paste your ChatGPT results

(NEW) Now includes:

  • Summary sections

  • Mindmap

Other options:

1 - Get access to the entire AI Business Playbook Vault.

Includes: 30+ playbooks. Worth $310.

No subscription. One time payment. Special loyal reader offer.

2 - Upgrade to AI Futurpreneur Forge

Includes: premium newsletter with future Playbooks, AI Business Playbook Vault and so much more.

Forge your AI business skills. $69 per year (or $9 per month).

(Works out at around $1.3 per AI Business Playbook).

For Futurpreneurs (Premium members of the Forge)

‘24 Hour Playbook’

This weeks premium email newsletter turned into an AI Business Playbook in 24 hours!

  • Take notes

  • Copy prompts fast

  • ‘Duplicate’ and keep

  • Paste your ChatGPT results

(NEW) Now includes:

  • Summary sections

  • Mindmap

Keep prompting,


Follow me on X/Twitter or TikTok.

Not sure the best way to get started here? 

Select from these simple options to hit the ground running:

Option #1 Do you want to build a modern digital business in the age of AI? → Join my flagship AI Academy

Option #2 Do you or your business need 1 to 1 coaching or consulting? → Book time with me.

Anything else? Hit reply to this email and let’s chat.