- Prompt Entrepreneur by Kyle Balmer
- Pages
- AI Workshop Kit
You Too Can Deliver AI Workshops and Presentations with my Field Tested AI Workshop Kit.
After developing and running AI workshops for businesses, that I charge $1,500-$4,000 for, I’m now making all the material, assets and support available so you can do the same.
Become the go-to AI Trainer for Businesses in your Sector with my AI Workshop Kit.
Profit from the high-demand climate where businesses are moving fast to book AI workshops.
Deadline: Monday 13th January. Apply Now.
What happens when you apply now?
Proceed to apply
Complete the application
If successful we’ll send you final step (package selection)
Cohort 3 APPLICATIONS are now OPEN.
Apply to join Cohort 3.
Start Date: 13th January 2025
Note : You will be added to my Prompt Entrepreneur email list. This is where all AI Workshop Kit announcements and updates take place. You can easily unsubscribe after.
![]() | “I would certainly recommend the programme. The return on cost is near-immediate if you put the work in!” — Jamie, AI and E-Commerce Coach |
![]() | “You guys helped me a great deal, and I'm booking workshops now” — Mark E Tennant, AI Educator/Practitioner |
![]() | “The overall package was far more than I was expecting and definitely great value for money” — Ross Baptie, founder of ai-fit.co.uk
![]() | “Kyle has delivered everything that he promised in his pre course communications, and then a lot…the AI workshop kit has been fantastic, and I highly recommend it to anybody who really thinks that it's time for them to take their consultancy to the next level" — Justin Simpson, Publisher at here.now.ai |
![]() | “Definitely walked away with some excellent tools that have benefited me already in my business, but also will benefit everyone that I touch with the AI training…and the support that you get through the course is just really great” — Tiffany Whitney, CEO Career Ownership Coach |
Hey Kyle here,
I’m coming to you first.
I’m looking for a select group of people who want to teach businesses around the world how to adopt, deploy and benefit from AI within their organisation.
And at the same time :
You’ll become the trusted go to AI expert in their industry
You’ll develop a completely new career or arm to your business
You’ll embrace an emerging technology that’s here to stay
All whilst getting paid what most people earn in a month, in an hour.

Pretty sweet deal.
Who is this for?
Coaches and consultant
This is perfect if you’re already a trainer, coach, consultant or presenter.
For you this will be an extension of what you already do. The demand is so high it may even replace what you do.
Even if you don’t consider yourself an AI expert yet (with the help of AI Workshop Kit you will be).
Workshop Facilitators and Presentors
If you already deliver workshops, consider this another tool in your toolkit.
Meet the market demand with your very own AI workshop.
With my field tested workshop, you’ll save week’s perfecting your own workshop! Instead skip straight to delivery.
AI enthusiast
This is also perfect if you’re an AI enthusiast and binged my newsletter and AI Business Playbooks.
Even if you have never presented or trained before (my AI Workshop Kit will help you get up speed very quickly).
Business decision maker
This also for business owners, development managers and decision makers that want a transformative AI Champion within your organisation.
Empowered employee
Likewise if you’re a natural facilitator, workshop host and want to educate your colleagues across departments, then the AI Workshop Kit will be an invaluable asset.
Not for you if…
If you’re NOT interested in getting paid ($1,000+ an hour) to train, teach and add value to companies that are panicking and scrambling to introduce AI within their organisations…then this is definitely NOT for you.
This is not for you if you are interested in running a highly technical AI workshop, for technical teams — this is not that!
But if you DO want to get paid to bring AI awareness and adoption into workplaces around the world — then the opportunity is massive.
The opportunity

I get paid $1500-4000/hour to do talks and workshops on AI for businesses.
I’ve trained NGO’s based in India and Switzerland.
Right through to top US tech companies valued at $17 billion.
I’ve hopped on calls with CEOs.
Trained entire marketing departments of 180+ people.
And have locked in the calendar a trip to Las Vegas to train leaders at one of the largest conferences in the world.
In all cases, I didn’t have to beg, argue price or engage in a long drawn out sales cycle.
Within a matter of a few emails, the training was booked at a price that was a win-win (so far… anywhere between $1,500-$4,000 an hour).
What’s very clear to me is demand is through the roof.
And supply for good quality, professional AI trainers is non-existent.
These experiences have led to first hand insights…
Yes, I could drop some statistics or some random news headline…
…but instead I’ll share three insights I have witnessed first hand which tells me the opportunity is big…
Insight 1
The level of AI knowledge is a lot lower than you think.
The results of my surveys show that 25%+ of staff haven’t ever used ChatGPT (or any AI tool). And this is in tech savvy companies!
So I wasn’t surprised when an independent study revealed similar:

Peoples exposure to AI is whatever they’ve seen on the news (and we know that’s as useful as a wet blanket).
This is great news for two reasons:
because you don’t need to be the expert you think you need to be. Whatever you think you need to know, half it. And then half it again.
we’re early…very early!
I know that you know more than the average person out there. How’s that? Because you are reading this.
You follow me (and others like me) on social media, read our newsletters and buy our products. Because you want to know more.
That puts you in a tiny minority of people who are actively seeking this knowledge.
Insight 2
There’s a phenomenon called “shadow IT”.
In fact you may have experienced this yourself…
In a ‘normal world’ the IT department mandates you use whatever new technology is being introduced (think Office 365, Zoom, Teams or whatever overly complex project management tool they’ve got all excited about ).
And you know what happens — employees hate it! Eventually begrudgingly use it.
It’s just another login. Another password. Another tool to figure out. Ugh.
I recently observed a company spend $500k on an IT project that employees flat out refused to use — oops!
BUT…we aren’t in a ‘normal world’ right now.
AI is being used by a larger and larger percentage of the workforce — but in secret.
This is known as “shadow IT”.
And it’s a bottom up approach to technology adoption. Employees are just getting on with using AI themselves.
Why? Because it’s immediately useful. They immediately get the value and how it can make their lives easier. So they quietly use it “unofficially”.
Why is this good?
Business leaders have NO CHOICE but to embrace the AI tools their employees are using…and fast.
They come to me (and soon to you) because they know they need to get a grip on this “AI thing” that their staff are suddenly using.

Data from McKinsey, IBM and FT : Everyone immediately needs AI.
Is it dangerous? Is it secure? Our are corporate secrets at risk? Companies need answers to all of this and more.
Insight 3
“This is only going to be more in-demand”
Companies for the first time in a long time are feeling fearful — in every and all sectors and niches.
They are terrified of their competition introducing AI before them and grabbing market share.
Or worse, getting smashed by brand new companies that embrace AI.
I’m seeing a proactive attitude towards bringing in AI trainers, coaches and consultants. No one wants to get left behind.
Great for us!
Closing window
I could have waited for a year or so…
…waited until I got 50+ companies under my belt before sharing this with you.
(You know that’s not my style. I pride myself on teaching you what works NOW, not what worked a couple of years ago!)
More so, it’s now clear to me that this window of opportunity won’t be open that long.
And unlike most trends we’re talking about every business having to work this out. This is internet levels of disruption.
That’s a big total addressable market.

But how long will the opportunity stay open? I’m guessing 2-3 years.
If this is of interest to you, I recommend moving on this double speed.
On that note, let me share with you what I’ve put together to help you take advantage of this opportunity.
What is the AI Workshop Kit?
The AI Workshop Kit let’s you license my AI training/workshop material.
This license gives you ‘plug and play’, everything you need to begin teaching businesses how to use AI.
Regardless of your presentation or AI skills (Both help but are not essential - I’ll provide guidance for getting these skills).
It includes guidance, up skilling, systems and templates.
Anything and everything I’ve used to date.
Nothing held back.
It’s the same systems I’ve used to:
secure training contracts worth $20,000 (in a month)
get paid a monthly wage in a single hour (my rate is $1,500-$4,000 per hour).
train NGOs, charities, small and medium enterprises and right through to tech companies valued at $17 billion.
“You don't have to create the content yourself….
You're shown how to teach…how to facilitate the workshop in one go”
“All in one box of everything…you need to be able to run your own AI workshops.”
“The AI workshop kit is basically everything that you need to run Kyle's workshop…Apart from Kyle turning up [to run the workshop for you!]”
How does it work?
You get access to all of this in three components:
Component 1 : Licensed Material
Component 2 : Plug and Play Business Assets
Component 3 : Support Material
These 3 components feature the aggregation of years of work.
It includes everything you need to achieve the following outcomes:
Prospect : Market and connect with interested clients
Pitch : Everything I use to pitch and close a client
Tailor System: My method to make every workshop/presentation feel personal and solve the clients most pressing problems.
Present and Deliver : A behind the scenes play by play walkthrough of my entire presentation.
Feedback Flywheel : How I collect feedback and use it to get raving reviews and win future work
Growth Channels : The moves I made to go from my first 1 hour workshop to my second, third and beyond.
I’m revealing all my secrets — no fluff.
Cutting through the painful trial and error and giving you what’s worked for me.
Saving your hours of time. As an example, the presentations you’ll be getting access to has taken 500 hours+ to put together.
As well as decades of experience, thinking, drafting, building, practising.
But more than anything, the material you will receive has been field tested.
With a few tweaks (which I’ll show you how to make), the material will work in any industry, sector and for any level.
Let’s walk through each component:
Component 1 : Licensed Material
Get the exact slide decks and AI business models I use to run workshop that net me $1,000-$4,000 per hour.
Without any doubt, everything you get in component 1 is the star of the show.
What’s included in component 1?

License my ENTIRE 1 hour-presentation
License my ENTIRE 1.5 hour-presentation : NEW for Cohort 2
License my ENTIRE 2 hour-presentation : NEW for Cohort 2
License my ENTIRE half-day presentation (3 hour-presentation) : NEW for Cohort 2
You get all the above AI training workshop presentations that have taken 500+ hours to develop (it includes tried and tested structure, material, exercises that up-skill teams and keeps them engaged from start to end — you seriously won’t have to reinvent the wheel).
Core Files : You will get the exact Powerpoint and Keynote files I use (if you’ve ever put together your own slide deck, you’ll know a 1-hour deck can take 2-3 days to put together).
Customisable Deck : You will have the rights to customise the deck given your clients needs (the ppt and keynote format let you quickly load up the deck and make changes, add notes etc).
RISENTM Framework : You’ll get permission to use my viral RISENTM framework (this framework proved so useful and popular it hit 3.7million views and was “accidentally” stolen by some big name companies).
Tailor it for Your Client : A guided video walkthrough of customise the deck for the exact outcomes your client has (this plug and play process turns my presentation into a bespoke deck for your presentation and your clients needs — in a matter of hours).
The goal of this component is to:
Save your hours (and hours and hours!). At this point I’ve invested almost a thousand hours into honing the above systems. This lets you quickly move on to what matters the most — presenting and getting paid.
Helps you understand what level of AI knowledge you need and become confident (and proud) of your AI knowledge.
Leverage proven AI learning models and frameworks to show up as an AI expert on day one.
Help you make my presentation and material relevant your industry quickly — healthcare, automotive, education etc.
Quickly take what clients need and use those insights to design a custom deck for them.
Focus on what matters. Most people fail because they spend weeks and weeks building powerpoint slide decks. Rather than presenting, getting feedback, activating word of mouth and getting more clients.
Leave the R&D to me. Turn what I’ve developed in the field into profit that’ll let you instantly pay back your investment today.
"…Just the slides alone and the [RISENTM] Framework I thought were worth the price of admittance".
There's different stages when you're putting together a workshop… market research…exactly what to know…research stage…actually put it together…order it to decide what topics you're going to leave in…how deep to go on that into that topic…that can take, in my experience, that it takes a while…Then you have to put the slides together…create any resources…find people who will pay for it…so to know that Kyle had done all of that, all of those processes, and he tested them and was happy with them, gave me the confidence to know that this was going to be a huge time saver for me.
Component 2 : Plug and Play Assets
What’s included in component 2?

Workshop pricing prompt : use this battle tested prompt to automate the process (it will even produce pricing in the various formats customers want to see).
Pitch email template : The exact email I use to pitch clients (with this you won’t need to overthink the sales part, anxiously writing, scraping and rewriting emails — just use this template!)
Proposal document template: how to showcase what you’ll be providing in their language (without confusing the client and without over-simplifying what you’ll be providing)
Student FAQ Library : An extremely valuable resource containing common questions and fears that business leaders and employees have (based on my survey data and in-workshop experiences, across multiple niches — use this to ‘read the mind’ of any prospect and answer their common questions).
Discovery call checklist : jump on a call with your client and walk through this checklist in order and you’ll extract their most pressing problems (this is essential to designing a presentation that wows them on the day — in other words, meets their expectations!)
Pre Survey Template : Copy the exact questions I ask leaders and their employees (this will help you find the truth of what employees want and don’t want — golden clues which help you solve their most critical problems and walk away with raving reviews)
Top exercises library : Copy and paste the exercises I’ve tested during live presentations (this will help you both keep the participants engaged and solidify their learning)
Post survey template : Copy the exact questions I use to extract valuable feedback (which is both useful for you, and gives the business leaders peace of mind they made a great investment in you)
Testimonial template : Use the same software and set of questions I use to collect professional testimonials from high influence leaders (This process also lets me collect testimonials without directly asking)
Business plan prompt : A unique prompt which helps you develop a business plan and a roadmap to take your workshop to more businesses. (this prompt focuses specifically on your business’ strengths so you can develop your USP)
The goal of this component is to:
Help you overcome the dreaded sales process by providing you the guidance and templates to get started from day one.
Because these templates are field tested, the chance of getting a yes massively increase.
Earn more from day one and feel good about it, knowing that you’re delivering tried and tested material
Skip thinking about ‘how to ask for feedback and testimonials’
Speak the language of business world, even if you don’t have a corporate background
Understand in advance what businesses need the most right now in regards to AI and come across as an instant expert
Engage your workshop audiences and keep them hooked for the duration of the presentation
Plan for the future as your reputation grows
The plug and play assets I share in this component helps instantly pay you back on your investment today. Plus give you the confidence to pitch and present even if this is your first time.
Component 3 : Support Material
![]() | “Not only did we get a license to use his material for our own workshops, but he told us everything we needed to market our workshop and find our first clients…” — Ingunn Bøe Hartmann, Web develper and Project manager |
What’s included in component 3?

AI knowledge base : Video guidance revealing exactly what level of AI Knowledge you need (and why being an ‘technical AI expert’ can be a bad thing)
Video walkthrough : this video guide will show you how to price yourself so it’s win-win (the best way not to leave cash on the table, whilst respectfully profiting from the AI demand)
Back of the room notes : A video walkthrough of me decoding my entire slide deck and presentation (this is the equivalent of us sitting together at the back of the room and taking highly valuable notes)
Earn your stripes system : The exact steps I took to earn my presenter stripes (most people think you need to be speaking for decades to invoice $4,000. You don’t. You need to follow a system that pushes you to climb the ladder quickly. It took me 3 months.)
Forward feedback : My process to data-mine the feedback (which will help you make your presentation more valuable and in turn charge more)
Vertical expansion : My strategy and recommendations for what I call ‘vertical expansion’ (this sounds fancy, but at it’s core involves strategies to increase the lifetime value of existing clients)
Use my name as leverage : I wish I had this when starting out. I had to build my reputation and credibility the hard way. I didn’t have any form of expert I could point to. Whereas you can. You’ll be able to leverage my name, brand and material to add weight when closing deals and presenting materials (this will give you a head start in the early days, where the main question you’ll get is — “What makes you credible?”. This helps you overcome that barrier).
The goal of this component is to:
Help you embrace the material and present it with confidence by revealing the ‘why’ and the ‘thinking’ behind the presentation.
Provide you confidence in the plug and play presentation.
Give you a strong foundation on which to build and customise as you gain experience
Start the compound clock, where you turn feedback into a more valuable presentation, in turn making you more money on the next presentation
Provide you the awareness of “what happens next”. Specifically after your first workshop.
Handle the demand. This is a critical stage where you can quickly start to make a lot of money. But not all clients are created equal. If you get this part wrong, you could find yourself in a lose-lose situation. I’ll help you avoid this.
Discover the fast track to going from $0 to quickly scaling to $1,000, $2,000 and beyond — in less than a year.
Having confidence in the licensed material you can price higher than you normally would, meaning instant payment on the investment you make today.
This guidance also helps you make more tomorrow. This doesn’t just pay for your investment today, it helps you become your own powerhouse presenter.
The growth segment will help you quickly and safely move from your first workshop to your second, third and beyond. Paying back way more than you’ll invest today.
Quick summary
“Kyle has delivered everything that he promised in his pre course communications, and then a lot...The extra free gifts just keep on coming, and they're all valuable and usable. And besides that, I found a fantastic community…I've already made contacts with whom I'm having individual conversations about their programs, their building of their businesses, and there's a lot to share. So I think the AI workshop kit has been fantastic, and I highly recommend it to anybody who really thinks that it's time for them to take their consultancy to the next level”.
Component 1 —The license agreement includes my 1-hour, 1.5-hour, 2-hour, 3-hour (half-day) presentations, AI business models, RISENTM framework and customisable decks.
Component 2 — The plug and play assets you need to pitch, price, survey, present, get feedback and grow!
Component 3 — Support material (video or short written guides) to help get going and achieve success fast.
Every component in its own right is designed to pay you back on the investment you make today.
How the license works
To be clear, this isn’t a ‘course’.
(But it’s also not a “here’s my material — now good luck out there!” I am providing you with components 2 + 3 to help you put the material to great use. AKA make money!).
Here’s what you need to know:
You will be getting all my AI training material under a license agreement.
This license agreement gives you the right to use my material professionally, for an agreed period of time.
The license agreement gives you the right to use my material commercially for profit.
You can use my material to train businesses and individuals in your geographical location and sector only.
You can use my material to train businesses remotely anywhere in the world. This is limited to remote training and excludes in-person training. The in-person training right is reserved for the license holder of that sector/location.
You only pay for a license agreement, nothing else. In other words, you don’t pay me a royalty on your workshop (like many companies do). So the more workshops you deliver the more profit for you, not for me.
You will get an opportunity to review the full license agreement upon application.
That brings me onto another important point. This isn’t available to everyone.
Quality and Competition control
There are only a limited number of licenses available.
In the same way McDonalds limits the number of franchise owners in a specific geographical location. To maintain both quality and fair competition. I’ll be limiting the number of AI trainers using my material in any give area.
This will ensure the quality of AI trainers in the market using my material.
These are distributed by geography and sector.
For example, there will be more licenses available in London, UK than say in Manchester, UK.
Simply because there is a higher concentration of businesses there.
This is a significant benefit to you because it:
reduces competition in your geographical area
reduces the number of people in your area using my material (in some cases, you’ll be the only person in the region)
Since this is early days, you have first mover advantage of industry sectors and geographical location.
Because once you hold a license, I will NOT sell the same license to another party.
You can find out if your sector and geographical location is available upon application.
Note — if you don’t know what your sector is, I’ve included a bonus below which will help you discover this. We can retrospectively assign you a sector (pending availability).
It wasn’t plain sailing
You’ll be getting all of my material to use to run workshops and generate revenue. With enough workshops and a pipeline of clients you may even consider making this your full time profession.
On the road to making that happen you’ll face some blocks. I know you will because I faced them too:
“What if I’m not a great public speaker?”
“How do I even find clients?”
“What if I have AI knowledge questions?”
“What do I do if someone asks me a question and I can’t answer it?”
“How do I make this material my own, give it my own creative spark?”
Hell…here’s me many moons ago delivering a workshop to just 6 people…absolutely terrified:

This is all completely normal. You’re about to engage in a high-value activity — teaching businesses how to use AI.
It comes with responsibility and pressure.
That’s a good thing. It means, 99% of people won’t be brave enough enter this field early — your opportunity.
But, I appreciate that doesn’t take away the nerves.
So to help, if you invest today, I’ll be including bonuses that I wish I had when I started out.
“It's never too late to learn something new and that things that often feel beyond my reach or beyond my limit are actually a lot more achievable than you would think.... I can see a path where getting better in terms of comfort… …getting better…getting easier to do it…translates into smoother natural delivery"
And then here’s Ross absolutely crushing it…pushing himself out his comfort zone and delivering a workshop at an impressive scale:

Bonuses included
(NEW…and kinda BIG DEAL BONUS) My Implementation Team
What if I told you there’s a way to turn a workshop into a goldmine.
What if I told you the AI Workshop Kit isn’t the only way to make money?
Yes — you can get paid $1,000-$4,000 per hour to deliver the workshop.
That’s obviously lovely.
But what if you could earn even more?
Now let me make it absurd…
What if you could earn even more without doing any extra work?
Sound silly? Far fetched?
Don’t decide yet…First let me tell you what I’ve put together for you.
I want you to start thinking of the AI Workshop Kit as a pick axe.
And the businesses you teach as mountains.
Every time you deliver a workshop…you are getting paid to prospect for gold.
What do I mean?
Some businesses will pay you for a workshop…thank you and you both move on with you life. Cool.
Some business will pay for further expertise…great…this is consultancy work.
Then some business will ask you to DO IT FOR THEM…you’ve struck gold!
Let’s take a simple example — building a internal company GPT.
Now I know what you might be thinking:
“Kyle I am not that technical…there’s no way I can build a company wide GPT”.
Good news — YOU don’t need to do the work.
As an AI Workshop Kit member you can leverage my team of trusted implementation experts.
It would go something like this:

*based on a conversation with an implementation expert. Its illustrative and not representative of any final deal. Full details of how this works is shared within the AI Workshop Kit space.
So as a quick summary:
You don’t do the work
You don’t close the client
You DO get paid more
What this let’s you do is turn a $1k workshop into $10k.
A $4k workshop into $20k.
Only available to AI Workshop Kit members.
How’s that to kick off the bonuses?
Awesome right?
BONUS : Cohort Experience - let’s do this together!
This is only the third time I am making my material available to use professionally. I really want it to meet your expectations.
So instead of giving you access to everything and leaving you to get on with it. I’m going to be there alongside you.
Plus put you in a group with others on the same track.

Plus I am going to keep the group open (for the foreseeable future) so we can all ‘unofficially’ help each other as we do more workshops, understand how we’re pricing, what are clients asking — amongst other nuggets of information the market feeds back to us.

— Ross Baptie
This Cohort is optional and is included to enhance your experience. Any live sessions I run will be recorded and available for you to watch in your own time, at your own pace.
“Having such a wide array of people in the cohort was very valuable because, you know, I would never usually be in contact or in the same orbit as a lot of these types of people…especially people who are comfortable [at] sales, marketing, social media, publicity, promotion…and also just people from different disciplines”.
I’ve just announced the agenda for the Cohort 3:
Week 1 Focus: Overview of the teaching materials and locking down your niche targeting
Monday 13th January 2025
Materials delivered on Monday
Live 'office hours drop-in' call every Thursday at 3PM (UK Time)
Recordings available
Week 2 Focus: Outreach methods and marketing to secure first workshop
Monday 20th January
Materials delivered on Monday
Live 'office hours drop-in' call every Thursday at 3PM (UK Time)
Recordings available
Week 3 Focus: Tailoring workshop material to client requirement
Monday 27th January
Materials delivered on Monday
Live 'office hours drop-in' call every Thursday at 3PM (UK Time)
Recordings available
Week 4 Focus: Workshop facilitation, delivery and next steps
Monday 3rd February
Materials delivered on Monday
Live 'office hours drop-in' call every Thursday at 3PM (UK Time)
Recordings available
The entire experience is self-paced.
This is designed to fit around your existing schedule.
For some, they’ll be able to drop everything get through the material and starting putting into action from day 1.
For others, they’ll fit the material and actions around their work and family commitments.
Whichever way path you choose, it still works.

BONUS : Join Next Cohort - get inspired and learn from PREVIOUS Cohorts!
I’ll be adding you into the same group as previous cohorts — which was a fantastic experience for everyone involved!

How interactive cohort 1 has been!
You’ll be able to see their journey, challenges and wins.
Plus get valuable feedback as everyone is delivering workshops in their industry (this feedback is then used to improve the workshops):

It’s a fantastic mix of skilled people from all over the world who are actively building their AI Workshop businesses.
BONUS : Live ‘Office-Hours’ Calls- drop in, ask questions, and listen in on others burning questions

Every Thursday during the cohort I will host an ‘office-hours’ live.
This is your chance to ask me questions live (or send in question in advance, and watch the recording at your own time).

I record every session so if you can’t make it, you can watch it back.
A 5-minute conversation with me on the live-call could clear a block you know you have.
Listening into someone else’s question could unlock a block you didn’t know you have.
Plus you get access to cohort 1 recordings.
“Weekly conversations and being able to ask questions and get direct feedback that was super valuable. Like, you really get to hear from people, in their unique struggles and their unique situations and get Kyle's direct knowledge on those situations”.
BONUS : Industry Selector - showing you the quickest and most sustainable way to profit
This bonus will walk you through the process of identifying your industry.
This walkthrough alone is worth thousands as it will help you position yourself as the AI expert in your industry.
Your reputation will soar and word of mouth will do the rest.
BONUS : Traffic System - I reveal the zero cost way I got my first client, before I had a social media following and before I was considered an AI expert.
The uncomplicated, simple traffic system I used when getting started that still brings me clients today.
When I got started teaching AI workshops I did not have a social media following, nor did I have that much AI experience (ChatGPT was still very new).
Yet this process still worked. I’ll share it with you so you have a full-proof way in finding clients — without a social media following.
PS — I started running AI Workshops for companies before I grew my social following!
BONUS : Framework builder- love my RISENTM framework? Want to create something like that for yourself? I’ve created a bonus walking you through how to create your own framework
I created this because even though you get the benefit of all my material, I want you to develop your own path and road to success.
Add your own personal spin and creativity to the workshops you run.
BONUS : Public Speaking Fast Track - My top tips that I used to go from introverted Brit to speaking in front of 150+ professions in a completely different country.
Remember this picture?

Since then I took public speaking seriously because I realised how powerful of a skill it is.
I’ve invested thousands of dollars in top tier public speaking coaches over the years to help me overcome my imposter syndrome and lack of confidence.
I’ll share with you the best of what I’ve learned in my top public speaking tips.
Summary of everything you get pending successful application:
Everything you need to — prospect, pitch, tailor for your niche, present and deliver, get feedback and grow — with the goal of getting you presenting and invoicing for your workshops fast.

You get this in 3 components. Including getting licensing rights for my FOUR core workshops.
Component 1 : License Material
License my ENTIRE 1 hour-presentation
License my ENTIRE 1.5 hour-presentation NEW for Cohort 2
License my ENTIRE 2 hour-presentation NEW for Cohort 2
License my ENTIRE half-day presentation (3 hour-presentation) NEW for Cohort 2
Core Files (save days making your own deck)
Customisable Deck (quickly adjust the ‘plug and play’ deck)
RISENTM Framework (Viral framework)
Tailor it for Your Client (make it work for any sector/industry)
Objective: Save you 1,000+ hours in R&D. Present with confidence thanks to field tested material. Getting you to your first paid workshop fast.
Component 2 : Plug and Play Assets
Workshop pricing prompt
Pitch email template
Proposal document template
Student FAQ Library
Discovery call checklist
Pre Survey Template
Top exercises library
Post survey template
Testimonial template
Business plan prompt
Objective: Make the end-to-end process seamless (and fast!). Skip the trial and error, getting more clients saying yes. Meaning more paid workshops in the calendar.
Component 3 : Support Material
AI knowledge base
Video walkthroughs
Back of the room notes
Earn your stripes systems
Forward feedback
Vertical expansion
Use my name as leverage
Objective: Give you confidence and overcome any doubt you may have in delivering your own AI workshops. The guidance here is what I wish I had when I started.
My Implementation Team (New and Kinda Big Deal Bonus) ⭐️
Cohort Experience
Join Previous Cohorts!
Live ‘Office-Hours’
Industry Selector
Traffic System
Framework builder
Public Speaking Fast Track
And I don’t hold anything back…
“…how generous Kyle is with his knowledge. Even within courses, there can sometimes be an element of gatekeeping….But Kyle is very generous, and he will always answer a question, or research it and come back with the answer, which I found to be really refreshing, actually, that he just wants you to do well. And whatever your goals are, he will help you achieve them.”
Expected Payback Period
The value of everything you get as part of the license agreement and the bonus material far exceeds the investment to attain a license.
When I think back to the work that has gone into developing this material:
Making a commitment to help entrepreneurs and business owners learn about AI, since November 2022.
Rejections and being ghosted by companies, to finally discover what works (and what gets them to say yes quickly)
Combining my MBA degree and 15+ years exposure to entrepreneurship
Development of AI business frameworks including RISENTM
The 150+ hours trial and error developing a presentation worthy of making a difference to businesses around the world
Publishing 40+ AI Business Guides
Having 8 x AI Business Books become Amazon best sellers
Developing a system to train companies of different size, requirements and sectors.
The point is, a lot has gone into the material and systems you’ll get an opportunity to license.
This isn’t something I’ve just made up now. I’m pulling together everything I’ve personally used to train companies and get paid $1,500-$4,000 an hour.
Because of this ‘in the field development’ you can (but not guaranteed to) make your investment back in your first one or two workshops. Easily.
In other words, you’ll make your money back in one or two hours (plus practice time!)
Here’s an example:

In just 3 days of joining and getting his hands on the AI Workshop Kit, one student (shout out to Joshua!) took the material, delivered a taster workshop and secured a $2000 client.
And the client didn’t bat an eyelid at the $2000 ask. Because this is in-demand knowledge. Total no brainer for the client.
Another example:
Here’s Dani, who secured 2 paying clients by week 2 of the cohort, that paid her upfront:
I was able to within two weeks of receiving the kit put together an online offer and I had 3 or 4 people pay upfront to do the workshop …my first goal wasn't to get money. I just wanted to learn how to teach it….that was a big win for me! Now putting together a summit!”

If you really make the most of your licensed material, you can do one workshop a month, which will easily 10x your investment.
But because of the level of demand, doing multiple workshops a week is entirely feasible.
3 workshops a week would net you $150,000+ per annum if charging only $1000 per workshop (low end). Not bad for 3 hours of work a week!
Another example:
Here’s Mike Peek following one of the strategies taught in the course. Resulting in securing his first workshop, with two more in the pipeline.

Another example:
Here’s Ross talking about presenting to massive groups!
“It's a three hour intensive [workshop], to 30 people for a large, not for profit organisation. And another one a couple of weeks…A 1.5 hour [workshop] to around 50 postgraduate students at London University. But, you know, I would never imagine myself in that situation where I'd be about to present something on such a large scale, to such a large number of people, on such a big relevant topic”.
Another example:

60 CMOs…Damn! Imagine the additional work, referrals and business that will be generated from this one workshop alone!
Will it take work?
Yes — of course!
Your role will be to unlock the potential in this growing high-demand space.
With the AI Workshop Kit, you don’t have to build the entire system from scratch by yourself.
But you do have to do the work. And if you do…potential starts to get unlocked.
Example from just week 2 (only two weeks into the cohort!):
"I want to say a big thank you to you because I’ve just followed your guidance”
It’s also worth noting, Fran achieved these results without a social media following.
How fast can you get your first workshop without a massive social media following?
I’ve just shown you an example of Fran, who got the ball rolling in week 2 of the cohort.
Now how fast you move is entirely up to you. But if you do want to move fast…
Here is an example of just 3-days into the cohort:
“In just 3-days one of my students has secured a $2,000 gig”
I share all this to let you know it’s entirely possible to make back your AI Workshop Kit investment back fast.
For some that will be important.
For others, they’ll treat this as acquiring an asset, that will pay them back for years.
Price and Application
If you’ve understood everything on this page. Then please go ahead and apply.
Price of licenses are available upon application.
What happens when you apply now?
Proceed to apply
Complete the application
If successful we’ll send you final step (package selection)
Apply Now. Secure Your Place.
Cohort 3 APPLICATIONS are now OPEN.
Apply to join Cohort 3.
Start Date: 13th January 2025
Note : You will be added to my Prompt Entrepreneur email list. This is where all AI Workshop Kit announcements and updates take place. You can easily unsubscribe after.
AI Workshop Kit Stories
I’ll add more stories here as cohorts progresses
“Definitely walked away with some excellent tools that have benefited me already in my business, but also will benefit everyone that I touch with the AI training. The framework that you provide is super insightful. The way to think about AI is excellent and the support that you get through the course is just really great. Keep up the great work Kyle”.
Tiffany Whtiney, CEO Career Ownership Coach — LinkedIn
“I keep getting asked to make presentations and help teach people about artificial intelligence, because that's what we do in our newsletter. And as it grows, there have been more requests. So I sensed an opportunity to turn that into a business…
And I thought his course would be a good way to discipline myself, to actually go through with the steps necessary to present this content as a viable business. And it's worked out exactly that way. Kyle has delivered everything that he promised in his pre course communications, and then a lot. The extra free gifts just keep on coming, and they're all valuable and usable. And besides that, I found a fantastic community…
the AI workshop kit has been fantastic, and I highly recommend it to anybody who really thinks that it's time for them to take their consultancy to the next level”.
Justin Simpson, AI Publisher and Advisor — Here.Now.AI and LinkedIn.
“We're making lifelong contacts and relationships, and Kyle is very hands on… It's obviously obvious that he put in so much time and effort into the cohort…
It's helped me to create a brand, to have the courage to be on TikTok and so many other things and just continue to learn about AI so that I can provide workshops as well. So I highly recommend it. And thank you, Kyle for everything that you've done for us”.
Jenni Arnold, AI Workshop Leader — LinkedIn
“Holy guacamole. I just got done with my first AI workshop…
laid out the framework that I was taught by my mentor Kyle, and they loved it.
Immediately afterwards, they asked, how much is the longer trainings?…about 70% of the room haven’t used it (ChatGPT)…
None of them understood prompt engineering whatsoever… I'm pretty sure I just landed my first, $2,000 deal…
to pay back the license and be able to teach into a much bigger audience”.
Joshua Hale, Holistic Tech Wizard — TikTok
“…Looking for a new career, a new move. I've been doing workshops in other areas. I've got an interest in AI…course, and it's massively over delivered. It's filled in all the gaps I have in terms of what I need to know”.
Steve Hill, AI Consultant — gnoai.co.uk and LinkedIn
![]() | “Clear, concise, and easy to understand instructions that build confidence and give you something to implement immediately. Well worth investing your time and effort in this training”. Ben Lovegrove, GenAI and ChatGPT Workshops — https://genaiworkshops.co.uk/ and X/Twitter |

![]() | “I'd been interested in AI for some time and had been following Kyle on Tik Tok for around 6 months prior to signing up… Normally I would have run a mile from the kind of offer Kyle put out as I have a huge distrust of any kind of scheme that promises to make you money. But Kyle had built up sufficient credibility with me through his Tik Tok activity, so I went against my 'rational' & 'objective' side and went with my gut instinct that it would actually be valuable… And I was right. The overall package was far more than I was expecting and definitely great value for money. The support from Kyle and Harms throughout has been amazing - far more than I had expected when I signed up. This was further enhanced by others in the cohort sharing their experiences and knowledge as they progressed… So collectively it made a really valuable space for us to support and be supported. It’s been a very cooperative and mutually supportive community, which again I had not expected this element to exist when I signed up. If I don't make money from this it won't be Kyle's fault, it will be purely my own fault!” Ross Baptie, founder of ai-fit.co.uk |
![]() | “I would certainly recommend the programme. The return on cost is near-immediate if you put the work in!” — Jamie, AI and E-Commerce Coach |
![]() | “Very impressed with the course! Kyle really did overdeliver on his promises. Not only did we get a license to use his material for our own workshops, but he told us everything we needed to market our workshop and find our first clients. 5 stars!” — Ingunn Bøe Hartmann, Web develper and Project manager |
![]() | “It will enable me to teach people how to successfully use AI. I have access to everything I need to run a successful business giving workshops, the materials and course are very comprehensive, it’s like buying a business in a box, and you can even work from home too by delivering courses online! All in all a great purchase!” — Marie Brandon |
Are there any sales calls after the application?
There are no sales calls. We’re a asynchronous team (in different time zones). Any enquiries pre-and post-license investment will be done through chat/email.
When does the offer expire?
We will be closing license applications on the date the Cohort starts (13th January). We do not have a date for when the next batch of licenses will become available.
How much will does a license cost?
Price of license is presented upon application. This factors in sector and geographical location. Plus the number of licenses an individual or business wants to buy.
It’s worth noting that typically licenses for businesses workshop material can range from $3,000 all the way to $40,000 (depending on sector and scope of license). Also these licenses are typically very restrictive.
Personally I find these companies are running a racket and I don’t like it.
Because of this you won’t pay anything near $3,000. My license by comparison is very fair. I do intend on increasing the price to bring it up to a fair market rate, once we’ve completed this cohort.
How long is a license valid for?
The first licenses to be issued will be valid for one year.
If I want to extend the license, will the price increase?
For the first batch of license holders, we are freezing the license fee, meaning you won’t experience any license free increases. Anyone who enrols after my first few cohorts may be subject to license fee increases.
What date does the cohort start?
The cohort starts on Monday 13th January 2025. At which point the application closes.
However the cohort, videos and material can be processed at your own pace. I will make all video recordings available.
How long does the cohort last?
4-weeks from 13th January. There are 3 components to deliver (license material, assets and support material). We’ll tackle in a logical way week to week. Which allows enough time to process the material, provide feedback and apply what you’ve acquired.
What is expected of me as part of the cohort?
The cohort experience is optional. It is your opportunity to ask questions.
However the cohort, videos and material can be processed at your own pace. I will make all video recordings available.
What does the workshop presentation help businesses do?
The material is designed to make employees and leaders aware of AI.
Everything from what it is, how to think about, use cases, adoption and the future.
All within an engaging workshop style session. Leveraging exercises, business models and strategic frameworks.
Note — every organisation will have slightly different outcomes (which we discover at the survey and discovery call stage), in which case we’ll use my tinker and tailor system to adjust the workshop to meet their expectations.
How would you go about adapting training for specific industries…travel and tourism, IT auditing, real estate etc?
In two steps:
First I’ll should you how to use a survey and discovery call, and a specific set of questions to understand what that specific client and industry needs. Both are templated so you can plug and play.
Then you’ll take this information and tailor and tinker specific points within my presentation (which you’ll get). In the same way a Chef swaps the tomato for avocado in your burger if you ask.
I don’t feel like I have the AI knowledge to deliver a workshop?
This is OK because:
I’ll provide you with an AI up skilling as part of the support material
You’ll be surprised at how much you know compared to the general public
Do I need to know ‘technical’ AI knowledge?
Far from it. This isn’t a workshop for ‘how an AI is built’, ‘how to build an LLM within your organisation’. That’s an entirely different profession.
Instead we’ll be focusing on what businesses are most interested in.
I have never presented a workshop before?
There’s a first time for everything. Why not let it be for an in-demand topic, that people will pay you great hourly rates for.
With that in mind, I’ll be sharing with you my workshop best practices as part of the support material. Plus important tips for your first few workshops to ensure they impress!
Can I customise the workshop or do I have to delivery it as the ‘complete Kyle Balmer workshop’?
If you are new. I recommend you use the ‘complete Kyle workshop'. It’s proven and been field tested. You will meet (or exceed) the expectations of your client.
If you are experienced, or as you gain experience, you are free to customise and adapt the workshop as you see fit (and please do feedback to the cohort/me your learnings). I’m excited for you to stamp your own mark on the AI training world.
Can I translate the workshop material to my native language?
Absolutely yes.
Can I suggest additions to the licensed material based on ‘on the road’ learnings?
Yes — feedback and tested additions will benefit the entire group and future license holders. It’s the best way we can not only support each other, and also ensure businesses around the world are getting the best AI training.
Why would you show others how to do this, won’t that mean more competition for you?
Every business, industry and sub-industry, in every country on earth needs to now how to effectively and safely bring AI into their organisation.
What’s clear to me is the demand is so high, no single person can fulfil it.
So who’s going to meet this demand? I’d much rather it be you. People from my audience and readership.
I’m not sure if I can get clients?
I’ve added a ‘traffic system’ into the bonus section to help you get your first few clients and pay your investment back. It’s the system I used before I had any type of social media following.
Can you guarantee results?
No. I can guarantee the field tested licensed material, the plug and play assets that I’ve personally used and support and guidance.
How fast can I get my first client/workshop?
There is no reason you can’t get your first client during the 4-week Cohort. And most certainly once the Cohort ends, you’ll have everything you need to get your first client.
You have a big social media following, will this work for me?
Yes, In fact, before I had any type of social media following I started to get clients (I’ll show you how). Does social media help — absolutely!
Is this real…too good to be true?
It’s not too good to be true. Because even though I give you absolutely everything you need to book workshops, run them and get paid what most people earn in a month, in an hour…you still have to do the work.
And is it real? I’ll let one of the inside members answer that:
Expanded FAQ
Here’s more common questions that came in : https://promptentrepreneur.beehiiv.com/c/workshop-kit-faq
Any other questions?
You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions during the application process. But if you prefer you ask them prior, please email [email protected]
“Kyle has AI insights specifically for my needs of building a small AI powered business. He’s made it simple, detailed and resourceful. Works for most online businesses (if not all). Another reason for me to leave the corporate scene and start my own thing.” — Jean Kleinman
“I wasn't expecting to have so much information and training…I can't thank you enough, Kyle, for helping me succeed on my journey!” — Milissa Johnson
“Kyle is the person I needed to learn from because of his business track record and his honest willingness to take others on the AI entrepreneurs’ journey.” — Don Hudson
“I needed direction on how to start and run an online business. The knowledge that I receive in this course easily understandable, and it has a roadmap that you just need to follow.” — Booker T Little
“I have access to a comprehensive understanding of how AI can be strategically implemented in various business scenarios, backed by practical tools and methodologies.” — Krzysztof Kozłowski
“I've read Kyle's newsletter for half a year and his content is pure value…it's becoming my main source of content, learning and inspiration. Cheers mate!” — Jandru Ruiz
“Kyle’s prompts for niching down impressed me with their effectiveness. I loved how lucid he was at communicating ideas and how generous he was at sharing what he knows.” — Renata
“Kyle's teaching style is straightforward and easy to follow…He gives the most actionable advice and his implementation steps are super clear and easy to follow for a newbie like me.” — Charity
“I am a truck driver with no tech or computer skills. This course is easily understandable even for me.” — Gyorgy
“Kyles journey is honest and really resonates with many entrepreneurs who are struggling to take action instead of daydreaming for years.” — Ingrid
“I usually don't promote people. But if you want to read about some actually good use cases for AI, then check out Kyle Balmer and this newsletter...The best in the field." — Chris Colban
“Love your content, friend. Cutting right through the bullshit and providing value and answers. That is the way." — Bernhard
“Kyle is a great teacher and the content is both on point and valuable. I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to learn more about AI and online business building.” — Daniel Sjöstedt
“Incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to meet and learn from Kyle. It is rare to meet someone who is the intersection of expert, tangibly helpful and good human”. — Ani O'Hara
“Kyle connects to the core of the business idea, offers deep insightful information that quickly adds to my personal and professional goals.” — Annick
"I have seen many people appear in my feed promising to supply guidance and tuition in AI tools and business ideas. I chose Kyle because the content is far above average, easy to follow, and contains ideas that can be applied quickly" — Ben Lovegrove
Want to read more testimonials? Click here.