Roundup: Playbook Service Builder — Free Readers Issue

Hey Prompt Entrepreneur,

Back to square one!

I’ve been VERY fortunate to have had some success on TikTok over the last year - around 130,000 followers and (from the audience) several hundred thousand dollars worth of revenue.

OK luck + a tonne of hard work ha!

And now I’m back at the beginning again.

I’m trying to build up my Youtube and Instagram as new channels.

Youtube in particular because it’s killer for long term traffic rather than quick flash in the pan blasts from TikTok.

But this means:

  • new content

  • new formats

  • new technical setup

And a LOT of learning.

It also means (for my sins!) that my camera roll now looks like this:

Gurning and pulling faces to make Youtube thumbnails. What have I become!!!

It is, however, slowly working:

Slowly slowly! But in the right direction.

Why am I mentioning this?

Well first up, go and subscribe to my Youtube - reward my stupid faces! 😂 

But also because I know a lot of you are working to (or want to!) build an audience.

And now that I’m back at zero with Youtube I feel ya. I too am in a position where I don’t know what to make, how to make it, where to focus… I’m back in learning mode:

  • Wednesday was deciding what format and topics to cover with longer videos.

  • Thursday was working out how to do thumbnails.

  • Friday was literally me faffing around with OBS trying to get a good setup in place.

  • and the next few months is going to be more of the same…learning, testing, playing around.

Honestly having an audience makes doing business MUCH easier, regardless on your niche. It’s really a superpower.

In my cohorts it’s a topic that comes up a lot - mainly about how to start, what to make content about, how to stay consistent, how to not get disheartened, how to deal with trolls etc etc.

And this is something I can help with in the world of short form video and TikTok. That’s my jam. And I want to help others get rolling with it.

For this reason I’ve structured a 30 Day AI Authority Accelerator.

It’s 30 Days of micro-actions to help you get started with content.

But it’s hyper-specific:

  • it’s for becoming an AI authority in your industry

  • using short video

  • on Tiktok

  • talking head style

VERY specific. Very focused. And therefore not for everyone.

Want to build your jewellery business rather than build authority as an AI expert? This isn’t for you.

Want to write blog articles rather than video? This isn’t for you.

Don’t want to be on camera? This isn’t for you.

I’m focusing on what I know I can help you with. And nothing else.

Plan is launching beginning March - so…a week from now.

First run will be £100 - very low cost. Not zero because you won’t follow the actions. But not expensive because it’s the first run through. Fair?

It’ll be limited to 100 people only.

Closes next Friday.

And…if you complete all the actions on time here’s the biggy. I’ll repost one of your videos (an introduction to your self and channel) to my TikTok to give you immediate visibility in front of 130,000++ potential audience members. Normally a sponsored video is $1500 FYI but you get this by simply doing all the tasks on time!

Waitlist here: waitlist and we’ll contact you all early next week. FYI already 50 people on the waitlist so we will probably hit 100 limit quite soon.


On to our Playbook for the week:


This week Kyle covered — Playbook Service Builder: Turning AI Knowledge into Profitable Services

  • How to convert existing frameworks and playbooks into focused service offerings - starting with a single clear deliverable rather than trying to be everything to everyone

  • Master the self-implementation approach for service validation - building real-world experience and case studies before selling to clients

  • Create systematic delivery processes using three-phase SOPs - ensuring consistent, repeatable results while maintaining clear boundaries with clients

  • Turn a broad playbook into a specific, priced service offer - developing compelling pitches and packages that clearly communicate value

  • Launch new services strategically through your existing network - leveraging relationships and partnerships rather than cold outreach for initial clients.

(You’ll get this playbook in a Notion format, which lets you easily : take notes, copy prompts fast, duplicate and keep as your own, past your ChatGPT results and save as PDF.)

This was only 1 of 70 AI Business Playbooks Kyle has written. Upgrade today and get all 70+ AI Business Playbooks.

(AI Playbooks cover topics like: Entrepreneurship, Audience building, Content creation, Sales and offers, AI specific courses and Business building 101).

Keep prompting,


Follow me on X/Twitter or TikTok.

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Anything else? Hit reply to this email and let’s chat.