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- Prompt Playbook: Expert Guide Marketing PART 1
Prompt Playbook: Expert Guide Marketing PART 1
Prompt Playbook: Expert Guide Marketing
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Hey Prompt Entrepreneur,
This week we’re going to flex our expertise.
We’re covering how to create expert-level guides to educate your prospects and make them customers.
We’ll cover:
Part 1: Why teach?
Part 2: Breaking down complex topics
Part 3: Written guides
Part 4: Video tutorials
Part 5: Course compilations
Let’s get started:
Why Teach?
Why Teach?
why teaching makes sense for marketers
linking top of funnel to bottom of funnel
summary of the week
Hot for teacher
What’s all this? Why am I making you a teacher this week?
You’ve probably heard the saying “those who can’t do, teach”.
Pretty damn offensive to teachers if you ask me.
It’s a reference to “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach” from a George Bernard Shaw play, which is actually a (deliberate) misquote of Aristotle.
The OG saying is:
“Those who can, do. Those who understand, teach”
Much better I’m sure you’ll agree!
One of my personal heroes Richard Feynman took it a step further with:
“If you want to master something, teach it. The more you teach, the better you learn. Teaching is a powerful tool to learning.”
The best way to know you’ve absolutely mastered a subject is to be able to teach other people about it.
And this has powerful ramifications when it comes to marketing to an audience.
Linking teaching and marketing

Being able to teach a subject shows our audience that we have mastery.
It automatically puts you in a place of authority. It’s literally: I know something you don’t and I’m going to impart that to you.
That authority can be parlayed into sales and business growth.
If you run a business that is in any way connected to your expertise (and you should) then providing educational content is an extremely powerful play.
I’m not talking about giving lessons, writing books or producing courses. You can do all these too. But this week we’ll mainly be covering bite size educational content.
I’m talking about:
“how I did it” guides
tips and tricks
build in public posts
answering questions
and similar educational snippets
All of this positions you as an expert in your niche. And people buy from experts.
Middle of funnel content
At the top of any audience funnel we use broad, shallow, generally accessible content to attract attention.
Think things like viral videos, humorous memes, hot takes, news updates and more “general” content. This is what we use to get people interested in us on social media and (hopefully) follow.
Top of funnel content doesn’t sell though!
After someone follows us we need to move them towards the sale.
Sales messages and direct call-to-actions are bottom of funnel audience content. It’s for people who know, like and trust us and are ready to purchase from us.
The question is what is in that messy middle?
How do we convert someone who is passively interested in us to someone who actively wants to buy from us? How do we move them from top of funnel to bottom of funnel?
This is where educational guides are so powerful. We use guides to build trust and show our audience we know what we’re talking about. And to move them down the funnel.
This is the true power of this content type and what we’ll be focusing on this week.
This is what has allowed me to turn Prompt Entrepreneur into a solid 6 figure business in less than 9 months.
For example check these two videos below:

These two educational videos alone (both on the exact same topic!) have led to $40,000 of direct revenue. Not bad for around 4 minutes of video footage!
All because content like this helps you build your reputation in your niche, show off your expertise and gain trust.
Regardless of your niche this is a hyper-powerful technique.
This week
This week we’ll be using AI to put together an educational content machine.
Specifically we’ll look at:
creating infinite lists of topic ideas
bolstering our own expertise
breaking complex topics down into teachable guides
creating blog article guides
Twitter thread mini-guides
short form video for TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, IG and LinkedIn
long form tutorials
compiling expertise int lead magnets, paid courses and membership communities.
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“Expert Guide Marketing”
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Keep prompting,

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