- Prompt Entrepreneur by Kyle Balmer
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- Prompt Playbook: 2025 Predications PART 1
Prompt Playbook: 2025 Predications PART 1
Prompt Playbook: 2025 Predictions
Live Webinar: I’m sharing how I get $1000/hour to teach businesses about AI in 2025, and how you can do the same. (Tuesday 8th) Register here. (Thursday 10th) Register here. (Recordings available).
Hey Prompt Entrepreneur,
OK here’s the game plan.
This week I’m going to give my Big 5 Predictions for what’s going to shift the needle in AI entrepreneurship.
I’m not going to talk about the technical progress in AI because i) who knows! and ii) it’s not that important to us as entrepreneurs.
We know it gets better. That’s the biggie. So if we can’t do something with AI right now then … we probably will be able to in 6 months.
The details of the exact models aren’t as important as that fundamental truth. That’s noise.
Instead these predictions will be about how you are going to carve your space out in the world of AI entrepreneurship. Practical and relevant. Capiche?
Also: in each prediction I’ll be adding a survey form. Why? I want to know which of these topics most interests you.
Because I will then focus my videos, newsletter, courses and cohorts on those topics. You can basically guide me on what to cover this year. If a certain topic resonates with a lot of you I’ll build in that direction. And if one doesn’t click then…I won’t! Makes sense - I don’t want to write stuff you hate.
Here’s a form to tell me which you are interested in!
Let’s get going!
Today issue brought to you by:

After developing and running AI workshops for businesses, that I charge $1,500-$4,000 for, I’m now making all the material, assets and support available so you can do the same.
Become the go-to AI Trainer for Businesses in your Sector with my AI Workshop Kit.
Profit from the high-demand climate where businesses are moving fast to bring their teams up to speed with the mind blowing power of AI.
Will you be your industries go-to-AI expert?
Cohort 3 Starts on 13th January!
Places are already being secured.
The Human Element
The AI landscape in 2025 is going to look very different from today. But here's what nobody's talking about - as AI gets more powerful and prevalent, the human element becomes more valuable, not less.
This sounds counterintuitive.
And also like a mad place to start a whole set of predictions about the world of AI. Starting with a “hey don’t use it!”
But think about this for a moment. Loads of people are rushing into AI avatars, AI content automations, AI automated chats etc. etc.
They are removing the human element in exchange for scale.
Being about to make faceless videos for Youtube as an example. Extremely tempting proposition. You can generate 1000 videos without getting on camera! Easy money.
But..do you actually watch these sorts of videos? Do you want to?
Or take AI avatars like Aitana:

“She” is apparently making millions for her creators.
I call BS.
The only coverage about her is from, guess what, people shilling AI avatar making tools.
And if you actually go and look at her social accounts her followers are all obviously bots.
It’s smoke and mirrors.
Of course there will be valid uses of AI avatars and faceless videos but right now it’s a poor bet to make.
People are falling for the idea because it’s seductive. Automatic, easy, no need to show yourself.
We don’t work that way here at Prompt Entrepreneur.
If something is too easy guess what? No moat.
Too much supply (infinite) with no increase in demand = value falls to zero.
Just look at the AI comments on LinkedIn or a similar platform. People already know it’s trash and are pushing back.
That’ll only increase as these tools become more prevalent.
OK so what’s our plan?
We’re going to zag whilst everyone is zigging.
The Zag
The AI entrepreneurs who'll thrive in 2025 won't be the ones with the fanciest AI implementations. They'll be the ones who:
Show their face and share their journey openly
Build genuine relationships instead of hiding behind automation
Communicate clearly about AI without drowning in jargon
Tell authentic stories about both successes and failures
Stay accessible and human in an increasingly automated world
It’s leaning in on the human side. It’s a counterpunch.
We use AI for the tasks that should be AI. To free up more time for the tasks that should be human. It’s a barbell bet - two extreme bets at 100% all in, ignoring the mediocre middle.
This means, gulp, getting good at human communication.
Honestly I feel there’s no better time. Before we get buried under a deluge of AI generated shovelware.
This means:
crafting your story and message
learning to teach
building in public
working out your personal brand and position
getting good on camera
becoming a better public speaker
learning to do Lives
doing webinars and masterclasses
becoming consistent so you get the practice in
This is about to become an extremely high leverage skill.
Whilst everyone else is running for cover you’re going to stand up and walk out of that foxhole.
Scary? Yup! But that’s what will make this so powerful. The more other people can hide behind their screens and AIs the stronger the spotlight on you will be.
Making it happen
My initial thoughts are this:
30 day accountability accelerator
you sign up alongside others and work on building up confidence
daily short video, each around a certain exercise I’ll give you
full 30 day curriculum
I’ll give you the topic so you just focus on delivery
mutually supporting each other (signal boost!)
running monthly, starting beginning of each month
Keep Prompting,

PS — Feature your brand right here. Learn how.

When you are ready
Select from these simple options:
60+ AI Business Courses
✓ Instantly unlock 60+ AI Business courses ✓ Get FUTURE courses for Free ✓ Kyle’s personal Prompt Library ✓ AI Business Starter Pack Course ✓ AI Niche Navigator Course → Get Premium
AI Workshop Kit : Cohort 3 Date Announced: 13th January 2025
Deliver AI Workshops and Presentations to Businesses with my Field Tested AI Workshop Kit → Get on Waitlist for Cohort 3.
Do you want to build and market your very own AI tool that people want (and will pay you for)? → Join AI Accelerator Waitlist
Anything else? Hit reply to this email and let’s chat.
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