Personal Productivity with AI PART 1

Prompt Playbook: Personal Productivity with AI

Hey Prompt Entrepreneur,

This week we’re turning to productivity, the close runner up of our last vote.

I’ll be covering how to use AI to become more productive in your business and general life

We’ll cover this not only on the daily tactical basis but on a wider annual strategic level.

We’ll be covering:

Part 1: First rule of productivity

Part 2: Productive goal setting

Part 3: Breaking down the year

Part 4: Crushing the daily grind

Part 5: 1% better

By chaining all these prompts together you’ll have a powerful AI productivity system to up your game 10 fold.

Prefer to watch?

Let’s get started:

First rule of productivity

The temptation this week is to give you lots of cool systems built in Notion, Coda, Airtable and all hooked together with Zapier.

I love that stuff and I bet a whole bunch of you do too. I get it!

Instead though we’re going to be focusing not on “doing productivity” but actually being productive! Shocking!

It’s super easy to fall for all the productivity porn around bullet journals, second brains and PKMs.

Only to then spend more time working on your “system” than actually - you know - doing the productive work you are meant to be doing!

In this issue we’ll use AI to starting working out what productivity is for us.

This will be different to everyone so we’ll use an AI coaching prompt to help us define what productivity.

The first rule of productivity is we need to align our actions with our values.

There’s no point in doing tasks that aren’t aligned with the life we actually want for ourselves.

We need to work out, in order:

Value → Goals → Projects → Tasks

This will be the basic flow of this week.

Let’s go ahead with the first component using this coaching prompt:

Act as a personal coach 

Ask in sequence each of the following questions. 

-What is most important to you in life?
-Which of your core beliefs about have you never broken?
-What does success look like to you? 
-What parts of yourself do you actively dislike?
-What are your standards for how you would like to ideally work?
-How do you like the quality of your work to be judged?
-What are the proudest moments of your life?

For each question ask 2 x supplementary Why questions to elucidate the truth behind my answers. 

One question at a time, get my answer, then the next question.

Balance personal and professional

Then use the results to generate a list of 10 life value areas (ie. money, family, health, fame as examples - be creative) ordered by their importance to me. 

ChatGPT will run you through a series of coaching questions.

Take your time with them. The more you put into this process the more powerful the end results.

At the end of my questioning I received:

Yours will (hopefully!) be different to mine. We’re all unique.

Of course if anything seems wrong in your answer you can adjust it. ChatGPT isn’t infallible! But this coaching process should help to elucidate some foundational values.

We’re going to be using these values in the next Part to start goal setting.

Premium Prompt - Weight Limit

Pulling it together

First step done - we have a nice set of personal values generated by our AI coach.

Next up we’re going to align our goals to these values and then begin working down to annual, quarterly, weekly and daily tasks.

A reminder of what we’ll be covering this week:

Part 1: How to be more productive

Part 2: Productive goal setting

Part 3: Breaking down the year

Part 4: Crushing the daily grind

Part 5: 1% better

Until then, keep PROMPTING!
