Prompt Playbook: Network Fundamentals PART 1

Prompt Playbook: Network Fundamentals

Hey Prompt Entrepreneur,

We're kicking off a new series this week, the final component of BATON: N for Network.

  • Business: what value are we going to provide and to who?

  • Audience: how will we let them know about the value we have?

  • Tribe: how do we get permission to offer our value to prospects?

  • Offer: how do we package up our value and sell it to customers?

  • Network: how do we scale what works into a business?

Now, with Network, we're ready to scale what works. This is about taking our successful offer and reaching more people, or delivering more value to our existing customers.

Let’s get started:

Introducing Network


Introducing Network

  • the importance of product-market fit

  • assessing your readiness to scale

  • planning your scaling strategy

Types of Scaling

When we talk about scaling, we're generally looking at two main types:

1. Vertical Scaling: This is all about selling more to the same customers. It's about increasing the value and range of what you offer to your existing customer base. Think upsells, cross-sells, and premium offerings.

2. Horizontal Scaling: This is about selling the same things to new customers. It's expanding your reach, finding new markets for your existing offers, and growing your customer base.

Both are crucial for sustainable growth, and we'll be diving deep into each over the course of this week.

But here's the kicker - you don't have to choose just one. The real magic happens when you combine both strategies effectively. The trick is knowing how to combine them - we’ll cover that in Part 4.

The Importance of Product-Market Fit

Now, before we get carried away with visions of world domination (that’s next week, promise!), we need to talk about product-market fit. This is absolutely crucial before you even think about scaling.

Product-market fit means your offer is solving a real problem for your customers in a way they're willing to pay for.

It's when you've created something that your market actually wants and needs. Without this, scaling is like trying to fill a leaky bucket - you might see some growth, but it won't be sustainable.

You can always acquire customers through brute force - just spending on advertising and exposure. Even with a crappy product. Believe me - I’ve done this for clients. Not proud of it.

But ultimately it’s expensive and a losing game. We need product-market fit for sustainability.

How do we know if we have product-market fit? It's not just about gut feeling or how much you love your product. We need to look at hard metrics:

- Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

- Customer lifetime value (CLV)

- Retention rates Or “churn” (for recurring - the prompt will ask and adjust accordingly)

Let's use this prompt to help you assess your product-market fit and scaling readiness:

You are an AI assistant helping entrepreneurs assess their product-market fit for various business models. Use the following framework to guide your response:

1. Ask the user for this information:
   a. Brief description of their main product/service
   b. Business model (one-time purchase or subscription/recurring)
   c. Number of customers in the last 6 months
   d. Average sale value
   e. For subscription models: Monthly churn rate (% of customers who leave)
   f. For one-time purchase models: Repeat purchase rate (% of customers who buy again)
   g. Cost to acquire a new customer (if known)

2. Calculate the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV):
   For subscription models:
   CLV = (Average sale value × 12) ÷ Annual churn rate
   For one-time purchase models:
   CLV = Average sale value ÷ (1 - Repeat purchase rate)
   Explain the relevant calculation to the user.

3. If the user provided the cost to acquire a customer, compare it to the CLV:
   - Healthy ratio: CLV is at least 3 times higher than acquisition cost
   - Explain what this means for their business

4. Assess product-market fit based on:
   - For subscription models: Churn rate (lower is better)
   - For one-time purchase models: Repeat purchase rate (higher is better)
   - Sales growth (ask the user if sales are increasing month-over-month)
   - Word-of-mouth referrals (ask the user if they're getting organic referrals)

5. Rate the current product-market fit on a scale of 1-10, with a brief explanation.

6. Suggest 3 ways to improve product-market fit, such as:
   - Refining the target audience
   - Improving the product based on customer feedback
   - Adjusting pricing strategy
   - Enhancing customer experience or support

7. Recommend 2 methods to further confirm product-market fit:
   - Conducting a brief customer satisfaction survey
   - Analysing product usage or repeat purchase patterns

8. Summarise the assessment and provide 2-3 clear next steps for the user.

This prompt will help you calculate the value of a customer, work out your customer acquisition cost, and define how well you have product-market fit. It'll also suggest ways to improve and strengthen your position, as well as other methods to confirm your product-market fit.

Remember, scaling prematurely can be just as dangerous as not scaling at all. More so. Make sure you have a solid foundation before you start building higher. Houses built on sand and all that good stuff you know!

Planning Your Scaling Strategy

Once you've confirmed you have product-market fit, it's time to start planning your scaling strategy. Remember, the key is to scale what works. Don't try to scale something that isn't resonating with your audience just because you think it should work.

It sounds basic but god lord people get this wrong.

Here's a prompt to help you generate some initial scaling ideas:

You are an AI assistant specialising in business growth and scaling strategies. Your task is to help the user generate vertical and horizontal scaling options for their business. Use the following context and framework to guide your response:

Scaling a business involves two main approaches:
1. Vertical Scaling: Selling more to existing customers by increasing value and range of offerings.
2. Horizontal Scaling: Expanding reach to sell existing offerings to new customers or markets.
Effective scaling requires a strong product-market fit and should focus on what's already working well.

1. Ask the user to provide the following information:
   a. Brief description of their business and main product/service
   b. Current target audience
   c. Existing product line or service offerings
   d. Any information about their product-market fit (from previous assessment)

2. Based on the provided information, create a chart of vertical and horizontal scaling options. Include:

   Vertical Scaling Options:
   a. Upselling strategies (e.g., premium versions of existing products)
   b. Cross-selling opportunities (e.g., complementary products or services)
   c. Subscription or recurring revenue models
   d. Value-added services or features
   e. Loyalty or VIP programs

   Horizontal Scaling Options:
   a. New market segments to target
   b. Geographic expansion opportunities
   c. Partnerships or collaborations to reach new audiences
   d. New marketing channels to explore
   e. Product adaptations for different use cases or industries

3. For each scaling option, provide:
   - A brief description of the strategy
   - Potential benefits
   - Possible challenges or considerations

4. Suggest 2-3 quick wins or low-hanging fruit that the user could implement relatively easily and quickly.

5. Recommend 1-2 long-term, high-impact scaling strategies that might require more resources but could lead to significant growth.

6. Provide guidance on how to prioritise these scaling options, considering factors such as:
   - Alignment with business goals
   - Resource requirements
   - Potential return on investment
   - Risks involved

7. Conclude with a reminder about the importance of maintaining product-market fit while scaling and the need for continuous assessment and adjustment of strategies.

Present your response in a clear, easy-to-follow format, using a combination of text and a visual chart of scaling options if possible.

This prompt will help you create a chart of vertical and horizontal scaling options based on your specific business and product-market fit information.

Use it below the previous product-market fit work for best results because, as explained, we want to scale what works only!

Our Scaling Journey This Week

That’s the basics. You’ve now got a basic plan. The rest is implementation - we’ll be getting into it over the course of this Playbook.


  • Part 1: We've introduced the concept of Network and the importance of product-market fit first and foremost.

  • Part 2: We'll focus on vertical scaling - how to deliver more value to your existing customers.

  • Part 3: We'll explore horizontal scaling - how to reach new markets and customers.

  • Part 4: We'll discuss combining vertical and horizontal scaling for maximum impact.

  • Part 5: We'll wrap up by discussing acceleration strategies, including funding and financing options.

The goal is to give you a comprehensive toolkit for scaling your business effectively and sustainably.

So, take some time today to review your product-market fit and brainstorm some initial scaling ideas. In the next Part, we'll start putting those ideas into action with vertical scaling.

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“NETWORK Fundamentals”

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