Long form content using AI PART 1

Prompt Playbook: Long form content using AI

Hey Prompt Entrepreneur,

This week we'll be focusing on producing long form content using AI.

Long form content is written content that is (usually) over 500 words or so. Think blog articles, newsletters, guides, reports or even book chapters.

I'm of the personal opinion that your best long form content should still be "hand-written".

All my newsletters are. As well as any long form blog articles.

My reason for this is that the quality of pure AI long form content is not (yet!) up to scratch.

It still reads like AI content. And that's not good enough for my newsletter.

I primarily use AI to repurpose rather than create from scratch.

However, I've listened and hear y’all loud and clear.

Lots of readers want more AI assistance with their long form content. So this will be the focus this week!

I'll be focusing on how best to create long form content using AI without it being generic and low quality.

I'm going to cover a bunch of different methods - I recommend you try them all and mix and match depending on what gives you the best outcomes.

We’ll be covering:

Part 1: Co-writing using ChatGPT

Part 2: Format/Framework Matrix

Part 3: Expansive writing

Part 4: Niche-jacking

Part 5: Personal GPT writing agent

Let’s get started:

Co-writing using ChatGPT

The first method for generating long form written content using AI is using ChatGPT as a co-writer.

Sitting and staring at a blank screen with a blinking cursor is the worst.

I should know - I have to do it daily!

Writing when we are prompted however is much simpler. It's more structured and the process is broken down into individual steps.

Think about when you did exams - there were easy to answer short questions and then the dreaded "essay" questions. Pages and pages of blank space for you to fill in from scratch. Terrifying!

We're going to convert writing long from a scary essay question into more manageable short form questions.

Here's the prompt:

Act as a writing coach. 

I am writing a long form content piece on [subject]

	The sections are:
	-intro paragraph
	-main body

For the hook make 5 suggestions
Link the intro paragraph to the hook
For the body suggest 3-5 main points, based on the hook and intro

For each section sequentially walk me through the writing process steps by i) providing suggestions, ii) having me write notes iii) confirming the text

Show each section one at a time. Do not show me all the sections. Wait for my input before moving on to the next section. 

Prompt Output:

This prompt will step by step walk you through the process of drafting the long form article.

For each step it'll generate some suggestions. You'll guide ChatGPT about which you like and will then be asked for your notes on how to alter and personalise the writing.

Once you are happy ChatGPT will move onto the next section, using info from earlier sections for consistency.

All you need to do is provide notes - don't worry too much about drafting whole paragraphs.

Continue through the process until ChatGPT outputs your complete long form article.

Because you've "co-authored" the piece it will be far less generic than if you had simply said "write a long form content piece on [subject]"

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Pulling it together

That’s the first of a handful of techniques I’m going to be showing you covered. I recommend over the course of this guide testing what works best for you, combining and refining to suit your needs.

A reminder of what we’re covering this week :

Part 1: Co-writing using ChatGPT

Part 2: Format/Framework Matrix

Part 3: Expansive writing

Part 4: Niche-jacking

Part 5: Personal GPT writing agentSee you tomorrow Prompt Entrepreneur!

Until then, keep PROMPTING!
