Prompt Playbook: Authentic Selling PART 1

Prompt Playbook: Authentic Selling

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Hey Prompt Entrepreneur,

This week I’m covering the idea of authentic selling.

This has been the fix to my own fear of selling.

Which has just allowed us to have a 6 figure launch last week.

I’ll walk through the essential psychological ground work required for this to happen.

We’ll cover:

  • Part 1: Fear of selling

  • Part 2: Bulletproof Offer

  • Part 3: Overcoming our own blocks

  • Part 4: Planned surprises

  • Part 5: They win, we win

    Let’s get started:

Fear of Selling


Fear of Selling

  • disconnect of value and offer

  • creative entrepreneurs must sell

  • sell your own value, not someone else’s

  • overcoming blocks to open the floodgates

I used to hate selling.

I would avoid it as much as humanly possible.

And when forced to actually sell I’d often end up vastly undercharging.

This stemmed from a sense of embarrassment or even guilt that I was “inconveniencing” the other person by daring to ask for money.

Part of this is probably my Britishness. We tend to be squeamish around money.

But the biggest factor was that I didn’t fully believe in what I was selling.

I didn’t believe in its value. I didn’t believe that it would make the customers’ lives better.

As you can imagine this made running a business a lot harder than it already was!


Does this sound familiar to you?

Have you ever dreaded telling someone about your offer for the fear of seeming pushy?

It happens to a lot of us entrepreneurs - especially creatives who want to focus on building rather than the sales aspect.

Many many entrepreneurs hate sales. Which is why it’s often a role that is outsourced or hired for early.

But you, as the creative core of the business, need to also be its greatest advocate.

Are you out there telling 10 people a day about what you do and how you can help? 100? 1000?

Or, like many businesses, are you waiting for people just to stumble across you?

A lot of hesitancy here comes from the fact that you may not be 110% certain of the value of what you offer.

When you have this level of certainty you actively want to go out and make sure everyone knows about your offer. Because you know it will make their life better. More than simply not being embarrassed to sell you embrace it.

Selling other people’s offers

Lots of people start their first business by selling someone else’s stuff.

I’m talking:

  • affiliate marketing

  • dropshipping

  • fulfilled by Amazon

  • TikTok shop

  • multi-level marketing

and so on…

The problem with these sort of businesses is that often you as the seller don’t really believe that the core product is valuable.

You don’t have any control of the product itself - it’s not yours. You are distribution, not the creator. You don’t control its value (beyond choosing what products to promote).

You’re selling it for purely financial reasons, not with the intention of helping your customer and making their life better.

No shade. If you are happy with this all power to you!

But I’d ask you to imagine being able to fully control the value of the offer. And how it would feel to bring the same energy you bring to selling other people’s products to your own offer - an offer you have carefully constructed to ensure it’s hyper-valuable for customers.

Hint: it feels damn good.


In the last year I’ve built up Prompt Entrepreneur from zero. We’re about to have our first birthday actually.

For the first time I’m truly proud of what I produce.

I know my social content is valuable. I know the newsletter is valuable. I know the courses are valuable. I know everything we put out is genuinely helping people. Because I see it in use and hear stories from those we help.

This is a massive shift from the past, the situation described above when I wasn’t 110% certain in the value of what I did.

Last week we had our largest launch ever - we hit 6 figures.

And I’m delighted about that because I know the value we are going to deliver to the customers will vastly outstrip what they’ve paid.

This is a gamechanger because of the simplicity and ease it adds to the sales process. When you are confident in the massive value you’ll provide it’s easy to makes sales. It unlocks the “salesperson” in you.

Over this coming week I’m covering how to get to this position.

Where your faith in the offer is so ironclad that any sales hesitation you might have evaporates.

I’ll be showing you:

  • how to craft an offer that truly changes your customers’ lives

  • how we shift from “always be closing” to “always be helping”

  • how to prove to yourself the massive value of the offer

  • fixing our psychological blocks to money

  • planning in over-delivery and “wows” to surprise customers

  • using results based selling to grow

This has been a journey for me over the last decade.

One that I’m hoping to make shorter and less painful than mine has been!

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“Authentic Selling”

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