Prompt Playbook: AI training for Businesses PART 1

Prompt Playbook: AI training for Businesses

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Hey Prompt Entrepreneur,

This week’s topic is inspired by a video I put out a few days ago.

It got a lot more interest that I was expecting!

Here’s the vid:


Gauging interest : would you be interested in teaching AI to businesses? I run workshops and give talks but don’t have capacity to meet d... See more

It’s worth a watch but in case you prefer to read here’s the skinny:

  • I get paid $1500-4000/hour to do talks and workshops on AI for businesses.

  • There’s currently a massive demand for this sort of training because (frankly) businesses don’t know what’s happening and are panicking!

  • I think there’s an opportunity for you - someone who is actively learning about AI for business - to fulfil some of this demand with workshops and trainings

Based on this I asked my audience on Tiktok if people would be interested in learning how to deliver trainings like this to companies.

So far I’ve had 200+ people tell me they want to learn more. And that’s just off one video with only 5000 views. Solid!

So: I’m thinking that this is a topic that people are very interested in! And this week’s Playbook will be all about it. Ask and I shalt deliver!

Specifically, this week we’ll cover:

  • Part 1: Window of opportunity

  • Part 2: Niche use

  • Part 3: Preparing your material

  • Part 4: Securing clients

  • Part 5: Delivery and beyond

First a word from today’s sponsor The Rundown AI. FYI if you want to keep up to date on the world of AI (for workshop and teaching) you really need to be reading this daily. It’s my go-to source for AI news analysis.

Learn how to make AI work for you.

AI breakthroughs happen every day. But where do you learn to actually apply the tech to your work? Join The Rundown — the world’s largest AI newsletter read by over 600,000 early adopters staying ahead of the curve.

  1. The Rundown’s expert research team spends all day learning what’s new in AI

  2. They send you daily emails on impactful AI tools and how to apply it

  3. You learn how to become 2x more productive by leveraging AI

Let’s get started:

Window of opportunity


Window of opportunity

  • this is a very lucrative opportunity right now

  • why it’s relevant to you

  • why businesses need and want this

  • limited opportunity

As a Brit this part is a bit tricky.

We (generally) don’t like talking about cash. And I’m no exception.

But it’s important to highlight the opportunity in play here.

I’ve been building my personal brand in the AI entrepreneurship space for less than a year now.

I now go into businesses and provide education on AI and how they should be thinking about it.

My minimum hourly rate is £1000/$1500. And for larger groups it can be several thousands for the hour.

Basically making what I used to make in a month in a single hour. Wild.

And to make it even better I now take only the gigs that are abroad. Recently it’s been Geneva, Amsterdam and Las Vegas. Flights and accommodation paid. And then I stay on for a personal holiday.

I’m actually doing some outreach to Singapore and other Asian countries because I want to travel over there more! 😂 

I’m not saying all this to boast. Those who know me know that’s not my style. It makes me uncomfortable.

Instead I’m talking about this because I think you can also do this.

Why you?

As someone who is subscribed to my newsletter you have shown yourself to be much more in-the-know than the average person out there.

Without being rude sometimes when I deliver trainings I literally need to help staff members download and get access to ChatGPT.

The level of knowledge and ability is low.

You, as someone who has been using AI to build a business, are miles ahead of the average member of the public. Don’t underestimate how much further ahead.

There’s a huge opportunity for you to become the person in your city or country for your specific industry. And to dominate that niche.

Plus: this week I’ll tell you exactly what you need to include to train these companies.

Opportunity knocks

Right now companies need this sort of training. And are willing to pay for it. Good money too.

They are facing a series of problems. That you, as someone who knows about AI, can go in and help them with.

Broadly speaking (I’ll talk about this more during the week) we’re looking at push and pull factors.

Push factors

The push factor here is shadow IT.

Basically staff members are starting to use AIs like ChatGPT. Whether the business has allowed it or not!

When most IT innovations come out it’s leadership and the IT department who need to force staff members to use it. For staff members it’s another damn username and password. Another system to use. Another boring mandatory training.

AI is different. It’s being driven from below. Staff members are using it and leadership is having to catch up!

Why? Because it’s so.damn.useful. That’s why employees are using it without being prompted to by leadership.

This opens up issues for businesses.


  • is AI safe to use?

  • is our data being leaked?

  • which AI should we use?

  • how to deal with AI inaccuracies and hallucinations?

  • what are the liability issues?

Because of this companies are desperate for trainings to bring all their staff members up to speed on safe, responsible use of AI.

They need to protect their downside and this means understanding and educating their staff on AI.

Pull factors

That’s the push factor. They have to work this stuff out or there are problems in the future.

There are also (for progressive companies) pull factors. Those companies who master AI tools and integrate them into their workflows first will do well. Very well. They are poised to absolutely smash competitors who don’t embrace AI.

I’ve worked with a few companies like this that want their staff to experiment with AI. They are giving staff free reign to work out how best to use AI, knowing that if they crack it there are massive efficiencies.

Basically the companies who ride this wave and leverage the technologies will survive.

Follow the money on this one. Investment is flooding into AI globally because the smartest investors in the world know this is where we are going. Right now it’s the tech companies leading the charge but this will soon be all industries as they catch on and realise the potential.

Closing window

I’m pushing this hard because the window won’t be open that long.

Right now businesses globally are scrambling to work out what to do about AI.

And unlike most trends we’re talking about every business having to work this out. This is internet levels of disruption.

That’s a big total addressable market.

But how long will the opportunity stay open? I’m guessing 2-3 years.

Dual factors of i) people becoming more and more adept with AI tools and ii) AI tools becoming easier and more integrated into “standard” software that they are already used to.

If this is something of interest I’d recommend moving double speed on it!

What we’re covering this week

This week I’m going to cover the process of putting together an AI education business.


  • Part 1: Window of opportunity (Today)

  • Part 2: Niche use

  • Part 3: Preparing your material

  • Part 4: Securing clients

  • Part 5: Delivery and beyond

We’ll first work out which industry you are going to focus on. We want to carve out a particular niche so you aren’t trying (and failing) to hit all niches at the same time.

We’ll then discuss how to put together your material for delivery. What length workshops and talks you need. The topics. The exercises etc.

From there I’ll show you how to acquire leads and clients via inbound and outbound marketing as well as how to pitch and close them.

Finally I’ll talk about delivering your training and then the business models and upsells (implementation) you can add on the back for profit multipliers.

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Keep prompting,


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