AI Workshop Kit FAQ

We’ve received some common questions which I can tackle here.

If I haven’t answered your question here, reply or send [email protected] an email and we’ll get you an answer.

Plus this page acts as a summary of everything you get.

Let’s go!

What is the AI Workshop Kit?

The AI Workshop Kit let’s you license my AI training/workshop material.

This license gives you ‘plug and play’, everything you need to begin teaching businesses how to use AI.

Why did I put the AI Workshop Kit together?

After developing and running AI workshops for businesses, that I charge $1,500-$4,000 for, I started to notice:

  • Demand for the training is high

  • Companies value this training highly

I cannot service this demand, and there are industries where you’ll be better positioned to provide value too.

Who is this ideal for?

Existing coaches and consultants

Workshop facilitators

Industry experts

AI enthusiasts

Business decision makers

Empowered employees

Agency owners

Who is this not for?

Anyone wanting to run a highly technical AI Workshop about machine learning, LLM etc.

What is included in the AI Workshop Kit?

You get access to all of this in three components:

Component 1 : Licensed Material

The license agreement includes my 1-hour, 1.5-hour, 2-hour, 3-hour (half-day) presentations, AI business models, RISENTM framework and customisable decks.

Component 2 : Plug and Play Business Assets

The plug and play assets you need to pitch, price, survey, present, get feedback and grow!

Component 3 : Support Material

Every component in its own right is designed to pay you back on the investment you make today.

What does this enable you to do?

The AI Workshop Kit (and the license) gives you the right to run workshops with field tested material.

Plus everything around that:

  • How to prospect

  • How to pitch

  • How to customise workshop

  • How to present and deliver

  • How to get feedback

  • How to grow

How is the AI Workshop Kit delivered?

Everything is delivered in our community space (Circle).

Everything is self-paced. You consume the material at your own speed.

Everything is delivered over 4-weeks.

With the licensed material made available from day 1.

Here’s the agenda:

Week 1 Focus: Overview of the teaching materials and locking down your niche targeting

  • Monday 13th January 2025 (START)

  • Materials delivered on Monday 

  • Live 'office hours drop-in' call every Thursday at 3PM (UK Time)

  • Recordings available

Week 2 Focus: Outreach methods and marketing to secure first workshop

  • Monday 20th August

  • Materials delivered on Monday

  • Live 'office hours drop-in' call every Thursday at 3PM (UK Time)

  • Recordings available

Week 3 Focus: Tailoring workshop material to client requirement

  • Monday 27th August

  • Materials delivered on Monday

  • Live 'office hours drop-in' call every Thursday at 3PM (UK Time)

  • Recordings available

Week 4 Focus: Workshop facilitation, delivery and next steps

  • Monday 3rd February

  • Materials delivered on Monday

  • Live 'office hours drop-in' call every Thursday at 3PM (UK Time)

  • Recordings available

What is the AI Workshop Kit License investment?

Price of license is presented upon application. This factors in sector and geographical location. Plus the number of licenses an individual or business wants to buy.

It’s worth noting that typically licenses for businesses workshop material can range from $3,000 all the way to $40,000 (depending on sector and scope of license). Also these licenses are typically very restrictive.

Personally I find these companies are running a racket and I don’t like it.

Because of this you won’t pay anything near $3,000. My license by comparison is very fair. I do intend on increasing the price to bring it up to a fair market rate, once we’ve completed this cohort.

What else is included?

I’ve added additional bonuses:

  • Cohort Experience

  • Join Cohort 1

  • Live ‘Office-Hours’

  • Industry Selector

  • Traffic System

  • Framework builder

  • Public Speaking Fast Track

The highlight being the cohort experience.

What is the cohort?

Instead of giving you access to everything and leaving you to get on with it. I’m going to be there alongside you.

Plus put you in a group with others on the same track.

This will be done over the course of 4-weeks.

  • Week 1 Focus: Overview of the teaching materials and locking down your niche targeting

  • Week 2 Focus: Outreach methods and marketing to secure first workshop

  • Week 3 Focus: Tailoring workshop material to client requirement

  • Week 4 Focus: Workshop facilitation, delivery and next steps

Other features of the cohort?

  • Live calls every Thursday (recordings available)

  • Join cohort 1 (the previous cohort)

  • Ask me questions asynchronously

  • Benefit from previous questions asked

How do you apply?

Information below.

Price and Application

If you’ve understood everything on this page. Then please go ahead and apply.

Price of licenses are available upon application (as they depend on sector and geographical location).

What happens when you apply now?

  1. Proceed to apply

  2. Complete the application

  3. If successful we’ll send you license agreement to sign and make payment (you will have an opportunity to ask questions at this stage).

Apply Now

Apply to join waitlist for next Cohort.
Applications are first come first serve.
Date Confirmed: 13th January 2025

Note : You will be added to my Prompt Entrepreneur email list. This is where all AI Workshop Kit announcements and updates take place. You can easily unsubscribe after.

Who will email you about your application?

  1. You will receive emails from ‘Prompt Entrepreneur’ — these are announcement and update emails.

  2. You will receive an email from [email protected] related to your application.

All applications are handled person by person.

Please whitelist/mark as important any email from harminder. You can also do a search in your inbox for [email protected] to make sure you have not missed anything.

FAQ Continued…

Do you charge each time I give the workshop?


This is what most education/workshop companies do. We found that a licensing fee of several thousand a year and then a % of all workshops delivered is the norm.

I just don’t think that’s fair honestly. If you book in 100 workshops this year good for you. Continuously charging you didn’t sit right. So I’m not doing it - we’re using a flat fee.

Can I add territories and/or industries?

Absolutely. Shoot us and email with what you are looking to add and we’ll see what we can work out.

We cannot do whole territory licenses like “Asia” because that wide license would encroach on specific territories like Singapore or Vietnam. The only exception here is if your industry license is still available in all areas in that territory - then we can look at locking off a whole territory.

Can I teach the licensed material outside my territory?

Yes, but only online.

Any license holder can sell workshops in their industry to any location online. So you have a global audience online as well as local in-person.

What if I don’t know my industry yet?

Then for now we’ll set your industry as TBD.

In week 1 of the cohort I’ll provide additional material talking about defining your industry. Once you’ve decided we’ll amend your license.

My industry is companies of such and such a size or under so and so revenue. Can I use this to define my industry?

Sadly no - this doesn’t really work because it will infringe on other license holders who have defined their industry.

For example if you want a license in the Netherlands for companies under $10m revenue that might include companies that fall under another Netherlands license holder who has the “Education” industry. Under their license they’ll have companies under $10m so suddenly their license is no longer exclusive.

To protect all our license holders therefore we can’t use broad size definitions.

The price is too much for a powerpoint presentation. I can make my own presentation! Why’s it so much?

Respectfully you aren’t buying a presentation. You are licensing the rights to deliver a tried and tested workshop that is currently in high demand. It’s been battle-tested by teaching companies like Miro ($17bn valuation) and refined over iterations. It’s also built upon 15+ years of entrepreneurial experience, my MBA and researching and writing 1000+ words daily on AI for my newsletter.

The presentation itself is the tip of a big ol’ iceberg. It’s minor part in all honesty but I understand it’s the easiest to “get”.

And even then it’s not just the workshop material you’re licensing. We’ll also be providing business assets like proposal templates, one-pagers, pricing calculator to make your life marketing and selling to clients much more efficient. And it’s an educational cohort to coach and educate you through building a business of the back of the material.

This has all been designed to put you in a place where you can go out, secure 1-2 workshops, and immediately see a positive ROI. That’s the goal for the first cohort - I want to get you results so that when I run a second cohort (and beyond) I’ll have an over abundance of case studies of people absolutely rocking it with the licensed materials + business assets + educational content.

Can I preview the slides before?

Short answer: no. Sorry!

The reason is that it’s protected IP. And it’s not just protected for my sake. It’s protected for the license holders who now own the licenses to deliver this material.

There are too many people who would just use the surface level slides and try to recreate the workshop. So as to protect license holders we aren’t showing the workshop publicly.

Got any other questions…